Saturday, November 7, 2009

How can i retrieve emails that i've deleted in my hotmail account hotmail pls??

Hi, i've just accidentally deleted 2 very important emails from my hotmail account within the last 2 weeks, and i need to retrieve these emails, how can i do this please it is essential that I retrieve these emails, please help!!!
How can i retrieve emails that i've deleted in my hotmail account hotmail pls??
Unless they are in the trash are not recovering them.
Reply:if u value things perhaps next time keep them in a briefcase such as yahoo email has this option to back it up.. hotmail and aol dont.. have that option.. Report Abuse

Reply:urndway is right... I recommend GET A YAHOO acct no shout just emphasis.When u delete, u can still pick up %26amp; move message back before yahoo empties or u empty trash.It's saved my tail many a time ... plus it's got great features, lots of email/file storage and it's FREE. Report Abuse

Reply:I'm sure its possible.because anything you can see in your screen its getting there some how right??

so its getting stored on your hard drive,not in the cache.I'll see what can i find for you Report Abuse

Reply:if you havent empty ur trash can,u can go there and retreive them.if u have,sorry!!
Reply:Impossible dude, sorry !
Reply:I don't believe you can, mate
Reply:click on bin and they should be in there! hope it works :)
Reply:that won't be happening, sorry.
Reply:lol, sorry once it is delete, it is gonne !


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    Diane Calhoun, Lincoln




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