Saturday, November 7, 2009

I want to know why people at hotmail did such a bloody job , A new look of hotmail email account> bull ****?

hotmail account new look is is a peice of ****.There are many many functional bugs in it.Sometime i cannot type email address in address box, sometime back button does not work properly, sometime navigation becomes dead hell. What a great **** the people did in hotmail. I haaaaaaaaaate hotmail developer team.
I want to know why people at hotmail did such a bloody job , A new look of hotmail email account%26gt; bull ****?
Actually, the last one was a pile of dog doo, but the latest one is a vast improvement as I can now actually read my messages without it freezing up. Lol

I hate hotmail too, but sometimes still have to use it. I much prefer Gmail. Its a million times better. You should try it if you haven't already.
Reply:I agree. I use a Mac at work, and I can't even OPEN my hotmail, so I have to log into and access it as if I was on a smart phone because the new hotmail isn't compatible with my Mac. It's so frustrating, yet I've had the email for years and really don't want to change it. Grr..and the design looks like they actually took 3 steps backwards rather than forward.
Reply:To try to live with its new face, download and use Windows Live Mail to access your hotmail mailboxes (Outlook Express no longer work with hotmail, I think). Of course since this if from MS also, it might have a little few bugs of itself too.
Reply:Thank you , now I know I am not the only one hating it. The new design is awful and it is slow and glitchy. As if the old design were not bad enough they had to go and make it worse~ sigh~
Reply:Thank you! I feel the exact saaaame way about it as you do! I thought i was the only one.


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