Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Has someone tried to hack into my hotmail account?

Had an email saying i had requested to change my password when i hadn't requested one. What's going on?
Has someone tried to hack into my hotmail account?
Its a scam try to phishing.

Reply:Was the email you received actually from hotmail or was it a scam letter trying to fish personal information from you?

OK--Here is more information. Google or yahoo search "why am I getting password reset mails for my Hotmail account? ask Leo" This info may help
Reply:it does sound like someone requested a password change in your name...I recommend changing your password yourself as soon as you can just incase


  1. hack facebook? Dont worry, this does not ask you any information about you. They ask you only to provide nick name when you fill out the request form. They were fast and amazing and you got the information facebook hacking password that was needed. Thank so much !

    BTW, I found another website that can hack yahoo passwords and other one specialized in hack into hotmail passwords.

    Diane Calhoun, Lincoln




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